Minggu, 28 September 2014

A new friend

Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.29
In August 2014, was the first time I met a new friend from Germany. Her name is Sarah. She was an english teacher in enter. She was kind, good, beautiful, and friendly. She told me that it is the first time she is visitting Indonesia. In Indonesia she went to TMII, Lampung, Jogja, and soon she will go to Bali island and Lombok.

Honestly, it was a new experience in my life. I have a new foreigner friend not coming from Asia. Sarah was helping me when I got a problem in english, she always corrected.

I would like to tell you about my first hang out with her for studying english in outdoor. Me and Sarah went to Margo City by angkot. When we arrived, we were trying to look around. Sarah said she would buy a present, and then she bought a lipstick. My friends were late. Sarah and me were waiting for 30 minutes. Then my friends were coming, we moved to another place for having dinner together. We decided “recheese factory”, in here were talking about everything, and last we took pictures.

Sarah was older than me but we looked like in the same age. Sometimes she looked like my sister, my friend, and my teacher. Bytheway I called her “kakak” Sarah hehe... J

***kakak Sarah thank you for visitting Indonesia, big thanks for teaching me english, thanks... You have been my friend and my teacher. I wish your dream to be come true, success and don’t forget with your friend in Indonesia. Enjoy Indonesia!!!! J **Thank you =)** 

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