Minggu, 28 September 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 00.19
My name is Ayu. I am 19 years old. I am living in one of the biggest countries in the world. I call it Indonesia.  

Do you know, where Indonesia is?

Indonesia is one of many countries in Asia. Indonesia has five big islands. There are Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. If you want to know more, you can check it in your map. You will find Indonesia between Malaysia and Australia.

Indonesia has thirtythree provinces. Everyprovince has one traditional languageand has so many cultures. But, we have one national language that is bahasa Indonesia. In my country you will find everything like beaches, lakes, mountains, flora and fauna, temples and etc. We have the most beatiful island in the world this is Bali island, Lombok island, and Bangka Belitung. In addition, you can also find Komodo in one island we call it Komodo island. That is one advantages of Indonesia.

Everycountry  has advantage and disadvantage. In Indonesia, we have some problems making indonesian people confused. First: traffic jam everywhere. Indonesia has so many people who prefer using a car or the motorcycle to go somewhere.That is one of the reasons why traffic jam happens in my country. Everyday I always get into traffic jam for 2-3 hours because university start at 8 a.m, there is a different situation if for employees they 3-5 hours a day. We have more than 20 million employees, they stop working at 5 p.m. Can you imagine? If all employees using a car to go home in the same time. How many hours do you spend to arrive? All the people in Indonesia are late because they can’t predict how the situation will become. However, using a car and the motorcycle is the best choice to go somewhere to be on time. 

The second: rubbish. You can see it in some places. Rubbish making my country is like the worst. We always have to do something for saving the rubbish and trying to recycle it. Indonesian people need to care much. The third: pollution. Pollution in Indonesia is coming from people using a car and the motorcycle. The other reason is because of many factories which have bad progress for the air. That is making increasing the pollution.

The last: public transportation. Indonesia has a big amount of public transportations. We have “angkot”, trains, and etc. Some poeple who don’t have a car decide to use “angkot” or train. The angkot and a train must be repaired because the passangers feel not good in the publlic transportation sometimes, especially for foreigners. They usually comment about the puclic transportation. Sometimes they think bad, sometimes good. So, there are some disadvantages about Indonesia. We always try to make the country better.

Come on, visit Indonesia right now! Don’t worry about traffic, rubbish, pollution, and public transportation because Indonesia has some a beautiful places to visit. You can see so much Indonesia culture and see how Indonesia is a rich country in some ways.

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